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Overdue maintenance of a public pathway.

Reported via desktop in the Veg Impeding FW/CW category anonymously at 15:54, Wed 10 July 2024

Sent to Island Roads 1 minute later. Enquiry ref: 16271802.

All along the pathway which leads to Lanesend Primary school along Newport Road is overgrown and unmaintained. Causing significant issues and potential harm as brambles and stinging nettles are overgrown and hanging along the path way. Which are unavoidable due to the hedges being left so long, half the pathway is inaccessible, so with pushchairs passing taking the half of the pathway, young children are forced up onto the muddy verge into the overgrown brambles.

This does require urgent consideration and I’m aware the school has tried to raise an issue regarding this as it is usually kept on top of, to avoid these issues. However not of late.

Many thanks.

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Island Roads at 16:02, Wed 10 July 2024

  • State changed to: Open

    Updated by Island Roads at 08:56, Thu 11 July 2024

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