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Bank cutting in York Lane

Reported via mobile in the Soft Verge Damaged/Overrun category anonymously at 12:08, Tue 9 July 2024

Sent to Island Roads 8 minutes later. Enquiry ref: 16271697.

Further to my request to have the banks cut in York Lane, now that someone has hacked some of the offending brambles and stinging nettles off at the lower height of the banks, I can truly say I have never seen such a mess in all my life!!!! A blind man with a pair of nail clippers would have done a better job! The weeds are still growing on the road, making the carriageway narrower and the nettles etc. on the higher level haven't been cut and still dangle in pedestrians faces! Who ever cut the Lane has also made a mess of my bank cutting right back to the earth in places and leaving it long and straggly in others! It is my bank which I and my family, have always cut, I don't appreciate it being ruined by mechanical cutters slicing it up!

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    Posted by Island Roads at 13:51, Wed 21 August 2024

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