Overhanging hedge over pathway
Reported via iOS in the Hedge Oversized category anonymously at 10:15, Friday 19 April 2024
Sent to Island Roads 37 minutes later. Enquiry ref: 16266141.
The hedge outside 1 Melbourne st is over 2m (6½ft), and impairing reasonable enjoyment. I know it’s this height but is it from the pavement or from the garden on the other side. This is higher and it can be seen that there is soil and rubbish coming through the bottom of the hedge onto the pathway . This makes the pathway narrower. This makes the pathway an eyesore. I’m hoping that it’s 2m from the level of the pathway. There was a time last year when all other hedges in the road were cut back hard . This one seems to be a problem all the time as there’s no consequence for it not being cut .
"I am often scratched and hit in the face by branches and shrubs that are overhanging the footpath. The branches at the bottom are about 6 inches out from the old concrete posts. This extends to about 2ft if it can be imagined the posts going straight up. This reduces the width of a pathway from 3.5ft to about 2ft with all the soil and rubbish which is coming out from the bottom,
"Fortunately, there is a resident who lives He is 77 years old and he is out days cutting back foliage, picking up litter and sweeping the road to keep them free of slippery mud, litter gravel and broken glass.
When high vans park opposite the hedge it is so tall that they get scratched . it is a huge problem for smarter panel vans and overpriced camper vans. If the vans are parked there , it’s a real problem for mums with buggies or those on disability scooters, as they get scratched and items can be damaged
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Island Roads at 10:54, Friday 19 April 2024
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Updated by Island Roads at 09:07, Wednesday 24 April 2024
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Updated by Island Roads at 11:27, Monday 29 April 2024
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Updated by Island Roads at 10:31, Wednesday 8 May 2024
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Posted by Island Roads at 15:44, Wednesday 8 May 2024
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