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Flooding my property

Reported via mobile in the Carriageway Flood Hazardous category anonymously at 15:17, Tue 31 October 2023

Sent to Island Roads 14 minutes later. Enquiry ref: 16253678.

Island roads are knowingly flooding our property all the time by allowing all surface water off the roads and surrounding area to go into the streams that runs through our property it comes in from 2 directions underground Not only is this bad practice but it is illegal to knowingly flood anyone’s property This has now happened twice this year we only moved back in 5 weeks ago from the previous flood in January now we have to move out again and live in a hotel once more We are both 70 and have disabilities so it is very hard for us and as it is your fault that the flooding happens it is down to you to fix the problem you are legally responsible for this

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Island Roads at 15:50, Tue 31 October 2023

  • State changed to: Open

    Updated by Island Roads at 11:25, Thu 2 November 2023

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