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Disabled bay markings worn out

Reported via desktop in the Road Markings Missing/Faded category anonymously at 15:22, Mon 24 April 2023

Sent to Island Roads 51 minutes later. Enquiry ref: 16240635.

Would it be be possible to refresh the disabled bay markings outside 10, 12 and 14 Clarence Road? We have noticed a large increase in non blue badge users parking in the spaces making it difficult for the blue badge users who live along here to unload shopping etc. As the markings are getting very worn within the bays too we think that drivers do not notice them and they also park too close to the rear of cars thereby making it difficult to unload wheelchairs etc. When questioned people have said they don't think they are in use as the white lines used to designate each bay is worn. Kind regards LML

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    Posted by Island Roads at 16:23, Mon 24 April 2023

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